History of Rome: from foundation to fall
The city of Rome is considered one of the oldest cities on the planet, founded, according to legend, by Romulus and Remus in 753 BC. Over time, Rome turned into the center of the powerful Roman Empire, which subjugated much of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. During its existence, Rome underwent many events, including internal disagreements, conflicts with other ethnic groups and internal hostilities. After the empire split into Eastern and Western factions in 395 AD, Rome began to experience a gradual decline. In 476 AD, the last ruler of the Roman Empire was overthrown by barbarians, which led to the final collapse of the Western Roman Empire.
Roman Republic: Structure and Governance
The structure of the Roman Republic was based on an intricate hierarchy. The mechanism of balance and supervision ensured the Roman Republic effective governance of its vast territory and guaranteed the stability of the internal situation. Roman Empire: Rise and Fall The Roman Empire has proven itself to be one of the greatest and most important cultures in the annals of mankind. The reigns of Augustus, Trajan and Hadrian coincided with the heyday of the Roman state in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. At that time, it was the focus of cultural, commercial and military activities. The Roman Empire came to the brink of decline due to internal strife, economic hardship, and continuous barbarian invasions. This led to the empire splitting into Western and Eastern fragments, eventually leading to its final collapse in 476. The rise and fall of the Roman Empire still attracts the attention of scholars and historians and remains a subject of analysis and debate.
Culture and Art in Ancient Rome
Influence and creativity played a significant role in the daily life of ancient Rome, reflecting the abundance and diversity of this community. The Romans valued literature, drama, music, and the visual arts. new sentence: The Romans enjoyed literature, drama, music, and the visual arts. The masters of Rome, who were engaged in sculpture and fine arts, produced beautiful sculptures, mosaics and wall paintings, reflecting the gods and everyday life. All this fact made the creativity of Ancient Rome one of the most significant and significant in the history of mankind.
The Legacy of Rome in the Modern World
The influence of Rome in modern society is manifested in various spheres of our daily life. The architectural structures of the Roman Empire, such as the Amphitheater and the Temple, hold the attention of many travelers every year. The legal system, established on the basis of the law of the ancient Romans, is still the foundation for many rules and basic laws in various states. Artificial customs, including Roman speech, construction, creativity and wisdom, penetrate into modern creativity and education, preserving the living legacy of old Rome in modern culture.
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